Research on Activation of Flexibility Potentials in a Market-oriented Process

Torabi-Goudarzi, S., & Alt, S. (2021)
In: 2021 5th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC), S. 175-179, DOI: DOI:10.1109/ICSGSC52434.2021.9490501

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The activation of existing flexibilities is a crucial component in meeting the challenges of the energy transition. The potential for flexibility is steadily increasing due to the spread of electromobility, home storage, and photovoltaic systems in private households, among other things. As a result, pure consumers of electrical energy are increasingly becoming producers as well. The active integration of these participants as a building block of the smart grid is an efficient and effective solution to emerging problems. This paper examines and compares current research approaches in the German electricity market. It can be determined that economically reasonable addressing of micro-flexibilities is currently still missing.