Bender, C., Domma, P., Jörgens, M., Krüger, T., Peters, N. & Werth, D.(2023)
In: ICERI2023 Proceedings, S. 5.459-5.465, DOI:

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Digital transformation is ubiquitous in today’s life and is rapidly changing the working process. To be able to actively participate in the changing world, digital competences are needed. Therefore, the employees’ competences should be assessed and evaluated to enable individual, lifelong learning. Hence, the competences assessment is a crucial part of competence development. In today’s world, mostly knowledge-based measuring tools are used to measure the fit of an employee to a specific role. However, a holistic approach for competence assessment is needed that also includes the aspects of skills and attitude.

The aim of this paper is to present a derivation of how the instrument that assesses skills and attitude was designed. To consider the market requirements, this instrument was designed in close collaboration with an international company, namely Villeroy & Boch. In this paper, a theoretical background on competences, including relevant competence frameworks, is presented. This is followed by a derivation of the conceptualization of the instrument. Based on initial applications of the designed instrument, a discussion is presented to critically reflect on the concept of the instrument and to discuss first insights into the applicability of the instrument.