Assistance System for Personalized Learning in Vocational Education

Christina Di Valentin; Andreas Emrich; Dirk Werth; Peter Loos(2014)
In: 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014), Savannah, GA, USA, August 2014, AIS Electronic Library

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Social media nowadays influences almost every part of life. Particularly the educational context is characterized by an increased use of social and digital media in teaching and learning scenarios. Although most students are familiar with the use of social media, many students have problems when it comes to integrate social media in the learning processes of educational and professional context (e.g. in terms of critically evaluating information in the web or professionally responding to comments in the web). Motivated by the lack of social media training in vocational education this paper presents the architecture design of an assistance system which individually fosters the social media skills of all stakeholders in vocational education. The system provides users recommendations about media contents that are adapted to each individual’s social media skills. Teachers, trainers and students have the possibility to apply social media in the professional context and benefit from the right usage.