uService - Enabling user-driven fitness services on-the-go

Alexandra Chapko; Andreas Emrich; Marc Gräßle; Tatjana Feldmann; Dirk Werth; Jürgen Tacken; Stephan Flake; Carsten Rust(2011)
In: 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2011), Detroit, USA, 08/2011, AIS Electronic Library

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User-centric developments are on the move, both in business and information technology. Especially in the mobileenvironment, personalization is of great importance. The concept of the mobile service super prosumer is core of the researchcarried out in the project uService. It aims at providing a platform for the creation, discovery and consumption of mobileservices on-the-go. Tailoring fitness applications for mobile phones to the respective needs of patients and hobby runners isthe main goal of uService’s application scenario uRun. This use case enables hobby runners to create personalized, contextawareversions of mobile services tailored to their specific personal preferences, health conditions and training plans. Basedon these features, a semantic knowledge base allows for the context-aware search and recommendations for service creation,discovery and usage. Compared to traditional consumer-centric health care systems, the depicted approach will be morepersonalized and context-aware and will empower physicians and personal trainers to act more timely than before.