Interdependencies between Business Model Components - A Literature Analysis

Julian Krumeich; Dirk Werth; Peter Loos(2013)
In: 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013), Chicago, IL, USA, August 2013, AIS Electronic Library

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The growing commercial use of modern information and communication technology with the simultaneous transition of traditional to digital businesses led to the realization of many innovative business ideas forming a new digital competitive landscape. As an appropriate means to analyze this new competitive landscape, the business model concept has prevailed in research and business practice for almost two decades. To describe business models, they are typically broken down into single business model components. Recent business model research criticizes a lack of knowledge of the structural relations between them. Without knowledge of their internal behavior, it is difficult to transform and innovate them in a successful manner. Thus, this paper tackles this research gap by conducting a comprehensive analysis of business model literature with the objective of discovering structural relations between business model components and mapping them on a unifying business model component framework which was developed prior to this study.