Haptic Technology in Digital Music Learning Context: A State-of-the-Art Analysis

Dörr, B., Norouzinia, F., Altmeyer, K., & Werth, D.(2022)
In: European Conference on e-Learning (vol. 21, No. 1), S. 87-94, DOI: https://doi.org/10.34190/ecel.21.1.529

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Digital media have become increasingly established in learning contexts in recent decades, and it seems impossible to imagine education without them, especially in recent years. Various technological advances can be observed, such as developments in virtual reality and augmented reality. To give learners a realistic impression of the virtual world, as many sensory impressions as possible should be addressed. However, current developments have mainly addressed the visual and auditory modalities, which make up two of the five human senses. Research and developments for the use of the other senses are being made but at this stage they are not yet ready for mass use. Especially the sense of touch based on skin as the largest human sensory organ or tactile and haptic perception seem to be of interest. Particularly in manual or medical areas where motor skills are required, haptic technologies are declared to be supportive and beneficial. One area that has hardly focused on digital learning so far is the music sector. Learning a musical instrument in this context seems to be an interesting field of research, as it not only promotes motor skills, but also cognitive development in both children and adults.