Developing Media Competence in Vocational Education - Architecture Design for Context-sensitive and Individual Learning
In: Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology (IEEE-TCLT), In: 15, 1, IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology, S. 17-20Link zur Publikation:
This paper presents an approach for integrating media education into the vocational education and qualification chain. Therefore, an architecture proposal for a technological learning concept called “Social Navigator for Media Competence” is made, which provides users recommendations about appropriate media contents and measures of media competence within specific learning contexts of vocational (re)training. The focus is on trainees and students as well as on groups that are involved in vocational qualification processes, such as teachers, trainers, supervisors and pedagogic personnel. Hence, the competencies of trainees in dealing with digital media, in particular social media, are fostered. With context-sensitive and individually tailored recommendations of media contents and measures of media competences (e.g. training programs, tools, concepts / methods of education or teaching scenarios), the Social Navigator makes an important contribution to strengthening the learning capacities of each individual as well as involved training companies within vocational education.