Design of an intelligent trading platform for flexibility potentials of private households in the low‑voltage grid
In: Abstract papers from the Energy Informatics.Academy Conference 2022 (EI.A 2022), Energy Informatics, S. 5(S3), DOI: zur Publikation:
With an increasing number of renewable energy sources entering the energy mix, the demand for novel, smart stabilization methods for the volatile electricity grid is as pressing as ever. In this paper, we present the design of a low-threshold energy market for the intelligent trade of small flexibility potentials between grid operators and private households. The market design and the corresponding trading platform have been developed within the FlexChain project. The platform combines traditional IT-infrastructure with blockchain elements to ensure economically balanced trading of the low-price flexibility potentials. As a key element of the trading platform, the blockchain technology provides verification of and trust in trading results. The developed design will be implemented and field-tested in the upcoming project phases and economically evaluated with regard to all stakeholders. In this evaluation, special focus will be placed on the different options of blockchain integration.