Conceiving and Implementing Pan-European Integrated Public Services

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One of the main strategic goals of the European Union is a borderless Europe. In reality there are yet a lot of steps to achieve this ambitious goal. An impediment to this mobility is the lack of integration in pan-European administrative processes. To solve the problems these business processes have to be made transparent to the citizen and public services need to be integrated. To do so, public administrations have to interact seamlessly vertically (Europe, nation, region, municipality) as well as horizontally (between countries) with each other. This implies not only the use of standards for data exchange but also the interoperability of business processes. InfoCitizen is a “proof-of-concept” e-government project in the context of the EU IST Framework Program 5 with a budget of more than three million Euros. Within InfoCitizen a European Information Architecture dealing with the interoperability problem has been developed. Based on these blueprints a prototype has been implemented and currently user-partners are evaluating the concepts and the system in interacting local showcases. In this paper the results of the project are shown by summarising the project so far. Findings are used to map out future tasks.